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Wendy Lewis


Spiritual Midwife


I am here to inspire, uplift and assist you on your journey.  I have been facilitating others on their path of remembrance and awakening since 1994. As a Luminary and Spiritual Midwife, I am able to assist others by facilitating energies of infinite love to assist in healing, awakening, transforming and aligning to your authentic self.


From the young age of two years, old Wendy had an inner knowing that she was here to assist humanity with the Golden Age of awakening. In May of 1988, Wendy had a powerful light awakening and spiritual rebirth experience that shook the very foundation of all she thought to be true.  The awakening experience ultimately changed the trajectory of her life as she sought to incorporate her new found experiential knowledge, passion and gifts to her life's work. She was shown in no uncertain terms that she was the creator of her own reality.  Like the Phoenix rising from the ashes she was renewed, reborn and forever changed by the light.


Wendy authored her first book, The Art of Spiritual Parenting, A Guidebook. Wendy has had the experience of being a single parent for many years, which offered the gifts and insight to raise her three children from a heart-centered space.  Wendy shares her experience of raising children in a loving and bonded environment while cultivating each child's unique gifts and creating an environment to nurture their pristine beingness.


Wendy stepped into the energies of her vibrational name Aya in 2016. Aya, is the Goddess of Light, the very ancient Goddess of the Dawn, She was often called the Bride of the Sun. Aya is associated with giving birth to the Sun each day. There was said to be a gate of Ishtar/Aya leading out of the underworld into the light. She was invoked at all beginnings when a potent surge of energy was needed to bring the renewing light of the dawn. 



Wendy's Degrees, Certifications, and Experience:


Ordained Minister & Doctor of Divinity - Universal Life Church

Bachelor of Science Degree Healtheology

Reiki Master/Teacher

Reconnection Therapist I & II

DNA Light Activation/Light Language

Evolutionary Leadership Training

Myotherapy Institute of Massage

Conscious Creator/Vision Architect

Spiritual Life Coach/Counselor


Spiritual Midwife 

Infinity Healing






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